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Конспект урока английского языка "Здоровье - главное богатство человека"

Дата публикации: 2019-12-15 15:35:43
Статью разместил(а):
Емельянова Наталия Ивановна

Конспект урока английского языка "Здоровье - главное богатство человека"

Автор: Емельянова Наталия Ивановна

МБОУ "Видновская СОШ № 6", Московская область


Тема урока: «Здоровье - главное богатство человека» (Health is above wealth)

Тип урока: Комплексное применение знаний, умений, навыков

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся через практику аудирования и говорения. Повторить и обобщить времена: настоящее простое, настоящее продолженное, прошедшее простое.

Планируемые результаты.

- Предметные: закрепить лексико-грамматические знания и умения в диалогической и монологической речи, развивать навыки понимания прослушанного текста.

- Личностные: формировать понимание ценностей здорового образа жизни для человека, формировать познавательные интересы к видам спорта и к активному образу жизни.

- Метапредметные: определять и регулировать цель и тему урока, уметь осознанно строить устные высказывания, уметь слушать других и вступать с ними в диалог.

Форма урока: Фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая.

Основные понятия: названия видов спорта, лексика, относящаяся к здоровому образу жизни.

Технология: Здоровьесберегающая, информационно–коммуникативная, коммуникативная.

Оборудование: УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова Английский язык. Rainbow English, учебник для 5 класса, аудиоприложение CD MP3, видеофрагмент, индивидуальные карточки, цветные картины видов спорта.

1. Организационный момент. Учитель приветствует детей и проверяет готовность к уроку.

Good afternoon children. Nice to meet you. The best way to begin our lesson is to sing a song

«Welcome to our world»

Welcome to our world, Coming and close the door, Welcome boys and girls

There’ s lots of fun in store

Meet our friends and join the fun, say hello to everyone

clap your hands and stamp your feet

Welcome to the beat

Teacher: Who is on duty today? Is the class ready for the lesson?

Pupil: I am on duty today. The class is ready for the lesson.

Teacher What date is it today?  What’ s the weather like today?

Pupil Today is the twenty first of  December. It is winter. The weather is cold. It is degrees below zero.

2. Постановка учебной задачи и определение темы урока. Учитель предлагает спеть песню о погоде и об активных играх на свежем воздухе, чтобы психологически настроить детей на определение темы.

Let s sing a song about the weather and  outdoor activities.
«What’ s the weather like today?»
What’ s the weather, what’ s the weather, what s the weather like today?
Is it cold or is it sunny?
Сan we go outside to play?
When it s windy, when it s windy …
We go outside, we fly our kite
the kite is high up in the sky
And we play until it night.
When it s snowing, when it s snowing
We make a snowman in the snow
we wear our coats and play together,
Until it’ s time to go
When it’ s sunny, when it’ s sunny
We wear our hats and go outside
the play together in the park
And have a fun time on the slide.

3. Постановка учебной задачи. Учитель создает условия для осознания учащимися проблемы и подводит их к самостоятельной постановке учебной задачи. Предлагает посмотреть слайды и ответить на вопрос «What are children doing in the pictures


In the first picture I can see a skier. He is skiing.

In the second picture I can see a skater. He is skating.

In the third picture I can see a jumper. He is jumping.

In the fifth picture I can see a canoeist He is canoeing.

In the sixth picture can see a scuba diver. He is diving

In the seventh  picture I can see a snorkel. He is snorkeling.
In the eighth picture  I can see a climber. He is climbing.

In the ninth picture I can see a roller skating. He is rollerskating.

4. Учитель предлагает игру: ученики бросают мяч по классу и называют экстремальные виды спорта.

Например: I like diving, I like scuba diving, I like parachuting, I like surfing, I like rock climbing, I like mountaineering etc.

5. Учитель предлагает определить тему урока.

It’s time to give the name to the topic. What are your ideas?

Pupils. The topic is: Healthy ways ( Healthy lifestyle, Health is above wealth)

6. Учитель раздает буквы и предлагает составить название темы урока.

7. Учитель предлагает сделать Mind map и определить, что значить здоровый образ жизни
What is healthy lifestyle? What does it mean to be healthy?

What words are associated with the healthy lifestyle? Shall we do a Mind map? Ученики называют слова, которые ассoциируются со здоровым образом жизни: kеep regular hours, morning exercises, jogging, daily routine, sports and games, healthy food, vitamins.

8. Проверка домашнего задания. Диалоги о здоровом образе жизни.


1. Hello! I have not seen you for ages.

2 .I am also glad to see you. I have just come back from sports camp in the


1. Could you do sport seriously?

2. We had fitness classes in the morning. In the afternoon

we went swimming in the swimming pool.

1. Are you good at swimming?

2. I’m not very good at swimming but I try to stay healthy.

1. Now I am green of envy. What about food? Did you often eat vegetables and fruit?

2. I liked food very much. There were a lot of apples, pears, plums and grapes as well

1. Could I join you next year?

2. I think it’s a great idea.

Dialogue 2

1. Hello! I have not seen you for ages.

2 .I am also glad to see you. I have just come back from sports camp in Caucases

1. Could you do sport seriously?

2. We had fitness classes in the morning. In the afternoon we went mountaineering,

1. Are you good at climbing?

2. I’m not very good at climbing but I try to stay healthy/

1. Now I am green of envy. What about food? Did you often eat vegetables and fruit?

2. I liked food very much. There were a lot of apples, pears, plums and grapes as well.

1. Could I join you next year?

2. I think it’s a great idea.

Dialogue 3

1. Hello! I have not seen you for ages.

2. I am also glad to see you. I have just come back from the sanatorium in Anapa

1. Do you take care of your health?

2. Doctors say I must think about my health

1. How do you keep fit?

2. I always keep to a healthy diet and regular hours, I also take vitamins

1. Why are vitamins important?

2. They help the bodies work well.

If we don’t take vitamins, we can die

1. Today everybody wants to be fit

2. If you are ill you can’t play outside and ride a bike.

9. После этого школьники инсценируют песню «Race» 

There was a race. Go, go, go!
Some children were fast,
And  some were slow.
Joe was fourth.
he wasn t  very fast.
His bag was very heavy,
So he was last.
Emily was third
she was faster than Joe.
but she lost her shoe,
So she was a little slow.
Oskar was second,
Just behind Kim.
She was very fast,
But she was faster first
than him.
Kim was first.
Run,run, run!
What a fast runner.
was number one!

10. Учитель предлагает провести игру «Proverb matching quiz» Ученики работают в парах. Они собирают части пословиц по теме. После совместной работы, они выходят с карточками и представляют целые пословицы с коротким комментарием.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Good health is above wealth.

Wealth is nothing without health.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

Prevention is better than cure.

Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

A sound mind is in a sound body.

11. Ученики смотрят видео по теме «Мой день» После просмотра учитель проверяет понимание видеоматериала и вопросов к нему.

Does the boy get up early every day?
Does he do morning exercises regularly?
What does he do in the bathroom?
Does he go to school on foot or drive by bus?
At what time does he have lunch?
With whom does he play after school?
Does he always do homework?
What does he do before going to bed?
he keep to regular hours?

12. Учащиеся показывают открытки и рисунки с зимним пейзажeм и рассказывают содержание писем. 

Now I am going to check up your homework. Present e-mails to your E-mail friends.

Пример: Dear Sally,
I am Alice. I am from Russia. I am a year five pupil. I like sport. In summer  go swimming. In winter I go skating .I like hide and seek. On the twenty fifth of December Santa Claus is coming on a one horse open sleigh. Santa  likes sport too. What about you? What do you do to keep fit?
Love, Alice

Учитель. December is a special  month. People in Europe celebrate Christmas Santa Claus and his reindeers  also go in for winter sports.
Let s sing a song Jingle Bells.
Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh
Over fields we go
Laughing all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh
Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh.

13. Работа с учебником для 5 класса Rainbow (авторы: О.В. Афанасьева  и др.). Упражнение 4, с 111. Групповая работа.

Ученики делятся на две команды. Одна группа составляет сообщение по цепочке (chain story) об образе жизни Вильяма, а другая о Джерри, поставив глаголы в нужное время. Каждая команда должна выразить свое собственное мнение двумя- тремя предложениями.

14. Учитель раздает фото файлы по теме «Полезная еда. Фруктовый салат» и просит учащихся устно заполнить пропуски словами: peach, banana. apple,pine apple и глаголами put, cut, serve, peel. Учитель задает домашнее задание: письменно заполнить пропуски в фото файлах и рассказать, как делать фруктовый салат.

To sum up, I’d like to say that you worked thoroughly during the lesson, did a wide variety of tasks, evaluated your progress and identified your weakness. I praise your efforts as well as your success. I think the lesson was efficient and we can feel a sense of achievement.


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